Francis Chan's Crazy Love
Why this pastor's church gives away half its budgetI love this guys heart and ministry. Go check out the rest...
Jennifer Schuchmann
One night during Spring 2006, Francis Chan turned to his wife, Lisa, and said, "If Jesus had a church in Simi Valley, I betcha mine would be bigger. I betcha if the Apostle Paulhad a church, mine would be bigger. In fact, I betcha people would be leaving their churches to come to mine."
Chan, founding pastor of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, California, knew he could draw a crowd—over 3,000 a week—with his entertaining preaching style. He could inspire them, make them laugh, and they'd return the following Sunday. But, Chan realized, he didn't call his people to the same commitment Jesus did.
Chan feared that if he demanded what Jesus demanded, the church would think he'd gone overboard. They'd leave, or worse, reject him. "I loved their friendship. I loved their following me. I loved their love of me and was afraid to say exactly what the Word of God said."
But Chan knew that serving them meant caring more about their love for their Lord than their love for their pastor.